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(see also Matthew 12:46-50 Luke 8:19 – 21)

Scripture: “Behold, my mother and brothers!. For whoever does the will of God is my brother…”

Observation: In verses 20 through 21, we have a an unspecific group of close Association; now we have Jesus’s family want to talk to him, Jesus has a steady stream of opposition – Pharisees, Herodians, synagogue people, his own family? Homies? And now his family. Sandwiched between such opposition Jesus calls his apostles.

Jesus’s mother and brothers, named in Matthew 13 and Mark 6– James, Joses, Simon, and Judas (or Jude) – (two of Jesus’s half-brothers write books in the New Testament)– are waiting to “talk.” It sounds like Jesus is “in” somewhere – because they are standing outside. The multitude – a mix of disciples, seekers and enemies- tell Jesus his family is “seeking for him.” He asks an odd rhetorical question: “who is my mother and my brother?” Then he pauses – looks around on them that’s about him… those closest to him… his closest followers / disciples / friends… And declares, these are my “family.” This doesn’t mean he disowned his family, but that he was adding a new means of entering into the family – by doing the will of God.

Application: Jesus invites us to join his inner circle – to be a brother meant the receiving of inheritance and blessing, plus duties / responsibilities of a close relative (see Ruth). As a brother of Jesus, I partake in an eternal inheritance– what is 1% of an infinite reward? No matter how small a share, our portion is infinite! How shall I live in light of such a great reward? Can I suffer for a short while? Yes, for they are but “light and momentary trials” (2nd Corinthians 4:17).

 Jesus invites me to join his family – I’m given a whole new family- called the church, and the other brothers of Jesus are my brothers, too. What is it to do the will of God? Do right – 1st Peter 2:15; suffer – 1st Peter 3:17; abstain from sexual immorality – 1st Thessalonians 4:3; give thanks in everything – Romans 15:32; accomplish his work – John 4:34; Endure – Hebrews 10:36; ask- 1st John 5:14; don’t be foolish- Ephesians 5:17; renew your mind – Romans 12:2. What is God’s “highest” will? To believe and live – John 6:40.

Prayer: Father – I can call you Father – for you accept me in your son – you have given me all things. I thank you for my oldest brother, Jesus – I thank you for my family, the church – I thank and praise you for my brothers. I pray that we would love you well, and sharpen each other,. help me to honor, respect, and love your will – teach me not to kick against the goads, but to see everything that is in my life as passing through your hands for my good and For Your Glory. Amen.